The Cognizant Classic, a prestigious tournament on the PGA Tour, is witnessing an unprecedented start to its season in sunny Florida. Jake Knapp, a one-time champion on the tour, kicked off the competition with a groundbreaking 59, making a significant impression on the first day.
Knapp took the scenic PGA National, Jupiter by storm, lighting up the course with a record-setting performance. His day started with an explosive streak of five consecutive birdies, which catapulted him into an early lead. He concluded the front nine with another birdie, posting a half-way score of 29.
As the day unfolded, Knapp continued his extraordinary run, making birdies on the 10th, 11th, 13th, 14th, and 15th holes. This put him in a prime position to possibly make a 58 – a feat accomplished only once in Tour history by Jim Furyk at the 2016 Traveler’s Championship. The last 59 on the tour was achieved by Cameron Young.
The conditions on Thursday played into Knapp’s hands. The absence of wind at the Cognizant Classic, coupled with recent changes to the course, set the stage for his remarkable achievement. The PGA National has recently started overseeding the grass, leading to a softer course that is easier to navigate. Knapp’s exemplary putting skills, combined with these favourable conditions, brought the elusive 58 within his reach.
Before this change, the Cognizant Classic was notorious for being one of the most challenging tournaments on the PGA Tour. Knapp’s first-round score of 12-under par puts his performance into perspective, as this score would have either tied or beaten the winning score in 17 of the last 24 Honda Classics, as noted by Monday Q Info on social media.
近年、Cognizant ClassicはPGAツアーのスケジュールの変化により影響を受け、多くのトップ選手が連続するシグネチャーイベントを選ぶために競技を辞退することが増えました。これらの変化にもかかわらず、トーナメントは注目を集め続けており、特にKnappのようなパフォーマンスがその理由です。
PGAツアーは現在、オーランドでのアーノルド・パーマー・インビテーショナル(Bay Hill)に目を向けており、その後にジャクソンビルで行われるザ・プレーヤーズ選手権が控えています。しかし、現在のところすべての目がJake Knappに集中しており、観客は彼が今週のCognizant Classicでその勢いを維持できるかどうかを楽しみに待っています。
Cognizant Classicのスタートは間違いなく記録に残るものであり、Jake Knappはその卓越したパフォーマンスでゴルフの歴史に名を刻みました。今シーズンのトーナメントの進行は注目に値し、さらにエキサイティングなプレーが期待されています。