The climactic end to The PLAYERS Championship unfolded on a Monday, with Rory McIlroy securing his 28th PGA Tour victory. He edged out JJ Spaun in a tense three-hole aggregate playoff, largely due to a disastrous 17th hole. The fateful tee shot on the par-three hole by Spaun took a disastrous flight over the green, ending its journey in the water. McIlroy, on the other hand, strategically played the final two holes conservatively, thus locking in his victory.
In the aftermath of The PLAYERS, Spaun had his first opportunity to watch his shot during a press conference. His reaction was one of utter shock. “I was stunned,” he admitted, stunned by the sight of his tee shot on the 17th hole plummeting into the water.
“Can I just watch it? I haven’t seen it,” he asked, pointing to the replay of The PLAYERS. His disbelief was palpable, even managing to laugh at the absurdity of it. “I mean look how high it is! It’s floating! I can’t…” he laughed, still unable to fully process the shot. “I almost wanted to say ‘get up’ because it just looked like it was going to be short.”
His astonishment didn’t stop there. “I was stunned. I couldn’t believe it was long. And yeah…I’m happy with the swing I put on it. I am. The wind must have just laid down a little too much and just went through the wind.”
The shock of his tee shot overshooting the green was shared by many. In his post-round interview, McIlroy disclosed that the wind conditions on that Monday morning were unlike any they had experienced during The PLAYERS. This detail certainly impacted Spaun, who saw McIlroy upgrade to a nine iron just before executing his own shot.
By the time Spaun’s ball took its watery plunge, McIlroy’s ball was safely on the green. The sinking of Spaun’s ball marked the end of his chances of winning The PLAYERS. He was left with a triple bogey on the hole and a three-shot deficit.
The climactic end to The PLAYERS Championship unfolded on a Monday, with Rory McIlroy securing his 28th PGA Tour victory. He edged out JJ Spaun in a tense three-hole aggregate playoff, largely due to a disastrous 17th hole. The fateful tee shot on the par-three hole by Spaun took a disastrous flight over the green, ending its journey in the water. McIlroy, on the other hand, strategically played the final two holes conservatively, thus locking in his victory.
The PLAYERSの後、Spaunは記者会見で自分のショットを見る初めての機会を得た。彼の反応は完全なショックだった。「私は驚いた」と彼は認めた、17番ホールでのティーショットが水に落ちるのを見て驚いた。
「ただ見てもいいですか?まだ見ていません」と彼はThe PLAYERSのリプレイを指差しながら尋ねた。彼の信じられない思いは明らかで、馬鹿らしさに笑ってしまうほどだった。「ほら、どれだけ高いか見て!浮いてる!私は…」と彼は笑いながら、まだそのショットを完全に処理できていなかった。「ほぼ『立ち上がれ』と言いたかった。だって、短くなるように見えたから。」
彼のティーショットがグリーンをオーバーするというショックは多くの人と共有された。ラウンド後のインタビューで、マキロイはその月曜日の朝の風の条件がThe PLAYERSの間に経験したものとは異なっていたと明かした。この詳細は、マキロイがショットを実行する直前に9アイアンに変更するのを見たSpaunに確かに影響を与えた。
Spaunのボールが水に沈む頃には、マキロイのボールは安全にグリーン上にあった。Spaunのボールが沈んだことで、The PLAYERSで勝つチャンスは終わった。彼はそのホールでトリプルボギーを残し、3打差となった。
しかし、Spaunにとってすべてが暗いわけではありませんでした。彼のThe PLAYERSでのパフォーマンスは、彼に272万5000ドルをもたらし、彼の銀行口座とライダーカップでの地位を強化しました。現在、深みが不足しているアメリカチームは、Spaunのようなエリートアイアンプレーヤーの参加から利益を得ることができるかもしれません。幸いなことに、ベスページコースにはThe PLAYERSのようなアイランドグリーンはありません。